WASH Intern (Network Facilitator) Jobs at SNV World in Nairobi
SNV has developed the strategy 2013-2015 where knowledge Development and Networking is at the core of SNV work and is cross cutting in all the WASH product areas.
The assignment and objectives:
The specific tasks to be accomplished and results to be achieved:
- Support the KNL to develop user friendly product/program sheets
- Track and keep an update of the WASH workforce resource in ESA including CVs and setting up a consultancy base of WASH consultants,
- Continually collect and keep an update of best practices per product including project references.
- Promote the generation, simple storage and updating of WASH pictures/photos in ESA.
- Establish and implement a framework for scanning, collecting and continually documenting the demand for interns in the WASH sector
- Support the KNL and Sponsor WASH Director in compiling and sharing the WASH program progress updates
- Four user friendly product sheets
- Updated record of WASH advisors CVs, competencies and skill mix.
- Updated project references for the 4 programs
- Photo/picture gallery of pictures of WASH interventions
- A functional system providing yearly inventory of WASH interns interested to work with WASH in ESA
- Mid -year and Annual WASH progress updates
- Support the KNL to facilitate development and implementation corporate action research
- Support the KNL to facilitate development, implementation and sharing results of ESA cross country knowledge.
- Support in facilitation of d-group discussions on relevant WASH topics
- Support the KNL/sponsor WASH directorto organize regional WASH Knowledge Network workshops and meetings
- Establish and implement a framework for streamlining, uploading and continually updating the ESA WASH intranet site
- Scan and support the KNL to facilitate publication of ESA WASH experiences/cases
- Scan and share links with ESA advisors on important publications and knowledge sites.
- Logistical, administrative and documentation support provided
- Cross country knowledge development initiatives supported
- D-group discussions successfully facilitated
- Regional workshops and meetings successfully organized
- A functional and updated ESA WASH intranet site
- Publications in the media
- Publication and knowledge sites shared with WASH advisors
- Active use of social media Twitter, Blogs, Facebook
- Establish and implement a framework for continually scanning, updating and sharing opportunities for resource mobilization in WASH
- Support the KNL/sponsor WASH director in the development of RM strategies and proposals for the key projects identified for BD and scalability per WASH program.
- Development of WASH project references in different formats (USAID, EU,…)
- RM opportunities shared with ESA advisors
- Strategies and proposals developed for BD and scalability project areas identified in Addis Ababa.
Task: Establish and implement a framework for continually scanning, updating and sharingopportunities for knowledge partnerships
Result: Partnership opportunities shared with ESA WASH advisors
Education and Work Experience: BA/BSc or MA/MSc with least 2 years of experience in communications related fields/Knowledge development fields
- Good planning and reporting skills
- Strong desire to develop knowledge and learn
- Actively focused on achieving results and objectives
- Good oral and written communication, analysing, writing and computer skills.
- Good interpersonal skills
Application: Please send your application letter and CV to kenya@snvworld.org(att. HR Officer) before 25th July, 2012 with reference to “WASH Intern” as cover letter/subject title
i like the initiative involved