Bursar at St. Lawrence Egoji Teachers’ College
You are invited to apply for the post of
Career Opportunity: Bursar
Job Group ‘H’
Applicants should be:
- Holders of C (plain) or above in KCSE with at least C in Mathematics.
- Possess at least C.P.A part 1.
- Must be conversant with PPDA 2005 and PPDR 2006.
- Must be computer literate.
- Must have had at least 3 years working experience in a Government maintained or assisted institution.
Applicants’ letters with relevant academic and professional attachments, and reliable day time telephone contact should reach the undersigned by 19th January, 2014, 5.00 p.m.
Tel: 020-2310519, Fax: 020-2310509
Email: egojiteachers@gmail.com / egojiteachers@yahoo.com
Women, Youths and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.