Bursar at St. Lawrence Egoji Teachers’ College

On Tuesday, December 30th, 2014
You are invited to apply for the post of
Career Opportunity: Bursar 
Job Group ‘H’
Applicants should be:
  • Holders of C (plain) or above in KCSE with at least C in Mathematics.
  • Possess at least C.P.A part 1.
  • Must be conversant with PPDA 2005 and PPDR 2006.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Must have had at least 3 years working experience in a Government maintained or assisted institution.

Applicants’ letters with relevant academic and professional attachments, and reliable day time telephone contact should reach the undersigned by 19th January, 2014, 5.00 p.m.

At the following address:
The Chief Principal
Egoji Teachers’ College
Private Bag
Igoji – 60402

Tel: 020-2310519, Fax: 020-2310509

Email: egojiteachers@gmail.com / egojiteachers@yahoo.com

Women, Youths and those with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
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