Developer Jobs at FrontlineSMS
Vacancies: 1
Location: Bishop Magua Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
- import java.*
- import groovy.*
- import css
- import javascript.jQuery
- if(!candidate.ambitious)thrownewInterviewFailedException()
- def requirements =newTestRunner(Requirements).run()
- if(!requirements.passed)thrownewInterviewFailedException()
- println “Suitable candidate identified.”
- println “(Bonus points: ${calculateBonusPoints()})”
- println “Please apply for job immediately.”
- classRequirements{
- @Test
- void“candidate should have programming experience”(){
- assert programming in candidate.experience
- }
- @Test
- void“candidate should like writing good code”(){
- assert[OOP, TDD,“clean code”].every {
- it in candidate.interests
- }
- }
- @Test
- void“candidate should be interested in JVM languages”(){
- assert[groovy, scala, jruby].inject(0){ lang, t ->
- t + candidate.interests.lang
- }
- }
- }
- classFrontlineSMS{
- def about =”’
- FrontlineSMS is a desktop program that allows you to use your modem
- to send, receive and manage SMS over a mobile network. We are a
- global team of 15 with offices in the US, UK, and Kenya. Our
- software is free and open source and used by non-profits and others
- worldwide to communicate with people via SMS. We are looking to
- expand our developer team for new projects working on mobile
- payments, cloud based versions of the software and a variety of
- other applications from education to media to open government.
- ”’
- def methodology = agile * xp * scrum
- def sourceControl = git
- def frameworks = grails, jQuery
- def devTeam =[‘Alex’,‘Geoffrey’,‘Vaneyck’,‘Sitati’]
- def location =‘Nairobi’
- def contact =[
- email:‘‘,
- web:‘’
- ]
- }
- def calculateBonusPoints(){
- def bonusPoints
- // front-end experience desirable
- [css, javascript, jQuery].each {
- if(candidate.experience.contains(it))
- ++bonusPoints
- }
- // interest in ICT4D desirable
- if(‘ICT4D’in candidate.interests)
- ++bonusPoints
- }